
Code Sherpas Backend challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Sherpas Backend challenge

Comments on the project

Although it is a simple project, it has allowed me to put into practice what I learned about NodeJs, such as structuring a typical API backend application, validations, etc...

This project has allowed me to confirm my preference for the backend.I have really enjoyed developing it. I will continue to learn related technologies and tools that allow me to improve my performance and grow as a developer.

It has also given me the opportunity to learn about testing, Github actions, and markdown syntax. I hope my solution is up to the requirement.

How to run test suite

Open a terminal window. Chdir to the project's folder, run:

npm test

Test suite includes one test for each endpoint of this API.

  • Get all customers
  • Insert one customer
  • Get created customer
  • Search customer by email
  • Modify customer
  • Delete customer

Running the app

Open a terminal window. Chdir to the project's folder

Directly with npm ( Needs Node installed )


npm start

Docker container with the app ( Needs docker & docker-compose installed )


docker-compose up --build

Endopoint description:

Assuming the project is running as delivered

// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/api/customers
    "status": "200 OK",
    "count": 2,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Jocelyn",
            "surName": "Schuster",
            "email": "brickeardn@fema.gov",
            "birthDate": "1966-06-02T00:00:00.000Z"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Edwina",
            "surName": "Ernser",
            "email": "dfundello@amazon.co.jp",
            "birthDate": "2000-09-28T00:00:00.000Z"
// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/api/customers/1
    "status": "200 OK",
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Jocelyn",
        "surName": "Schuster",
        "email": "brickeardn@fema.gov",
        "birthDate": "1966-06-02T00:00:00.000Z"
// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/api/customers/search/com
    "status": "200 OK",
    "count": 2,
    "data": [
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Kody",
            "surName": "Terry",
            "email": "xisherwoodr@ask.com",
            "birthDate": "1979-01-09T00:00:00.000Z"
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Macy",
            "surName": "Greenfelder",
            "email": "jissetts@hostgator.com",
            "birthDate": "1976-09-07T00:00:00.000Z"
  • Create a new customer

    POST http://localhost:3100/api/customers

    You need to provide an object with at least { name, surName, email } values. If any of the mandatory fields is not present in the request, the API responses with an 400 error code and a short description of the problem.

// Example response for POST to http://localhost:3100/api/customers with complete object definiton.
	"status": "201 Created",
	"data": {
		"name": "Matias",
		"surName": "Nabarro",
		"email": "matias@nabarro.com",
		"birthDate": "1977-11-17"
// Example response for POST to http://localhost:3100/api/customers with incomplete object definiton.
	"status": "400 Bad Request",
	"message": "notNull Violation: Customers.surName cannot be null,\nnotNull Violation: Customers.email cannot be null"
  • Update field(s) of an existing customer

    PUT http://localhost:3100/api/customers/:id

    You need to provide an object with the field-value pair(s) to be modified. If a non-existing customer id is provided, the API responses with a 404 error.

// Example response for PUT to http://localhost:3100/api/customers/7
	"status": "200 OK",
	"data": {
		"id": 7,
		"name": "Matias",
		"surName": "Nabarro",
		"email": "matias@gmail.com",
		"birthDate": "1977-11-17T00:00:00.000Z"
// Example response for PUT to http://localhost:3100/api/customers/44
	"status": "404 Not Found",
	"id": "44"
  • Deletes an existing customer

    DELETE http://localhost:3100/api/customers/:id

    You need to provide an exisiting customer's id. If a non-existing customer id is provided, the API responses with a 404 error.

// Example response for DELETE to http://localhost:3100/api/customers/6
	"status": "200 OK",
	"id": "6"
/* Example response for DELETE to http://localhost:3100/api/customers/9
   (non-existing customer id) */
	"status": "404 Not Found",
	"id": "9"