Demonstrates how multi IDP Single sign-on SSO (Authentication & Authorization) can be implemented in React Based front end application with NodeJS base back end application.
Common code which support all IDPs agnostically at React Side. Various strategies have been implemented to support various IDPS, currently implementation have been provided for FusionAuth, Keycloak, Okta, PingFederate. Support for other IDPs can be similarly and easily implemented.
- Implement OAuthStrategy, look for implementations in package auth.strategy
- Add an entry in OAuthStrategies
Start the keycloak server and configure it as described from here
Configure OKTA and FusionAuth as described here
Update environment variables for keycloak, OKTA and FusionAuth
react-sso-app\api> npm run dev
react-sso-app> npm start
- http://localhost:3000?idp=okta
- http://localhost:3000?idp=keycloak&realm=demo
- http://localhost:3000?idp=fusion
e:\practices\node\react-sso-app>docker-compose up --build
Starting react-sso-app_api_1 ... done
Starting react-sso-app_ui_1 ... done
Attaching to react-sso-app_api_1, react-sso-app_ui_1
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
ui_1 | http://api:5555
ui_1 | [HPM] Proxy created: /api -> http://api:5555
If you access http://localhost:3000/?idp=okta
api_1 | User successfully logged in.
E:\practices\node\react-sso-app>docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
react-sso-app_api_1 /bin/sh -c node ./dist/ser ... Up>5555/tcp
react-sso-app_ui_1 /bin/ ... Up>3000/tcp
E:\practices\node\react-sso-app>docker-compose logs -f
Attaching to react-sso-app_ui_1, react-sso-app_api_1
ui_1 | http://api:5555
ui_1 | [HPM] Proxy created: /api -> http://api:5555
ui_1 | http://api:5555
ui_1 | [HPM] Proxy created: /api -> http://api:5555
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
api_1 | User successfully logged in.
api_1 | App is listening for requests on port 5555
api_1 | User successfully logged in.