
Spring3 Rest example, demonstrating multiple representations support, custom exception handler and more

Primary LanguageJava

Client Side MVC and Spring 3 Rest Together

This example is intended to demonstrate things in two ares, the idea is to have clear separation between client side and server side at the same time allow seam less integration between them

Client Side Technologies

  • Angular JS
  • Yeoman
  • Grunt
  • Bower

Sever Side Technologies

  • Spring3 Rest
  • Multiple representations support (JSON and XML)
  • Custom Exception Handling
  • Authentication with spring security
  • Authorization with jsr 250
  • Custom Aspect
  • Unit Testing
  • Codahale Metrics
  • Spring data JPA
  • Ehcache
  • Dozer
  • Refer this if you want proxy support


UI Files(static html, css, javascript etc) resides in folder src/main/ui, basically this is yeaoman scaffolding code after a build the resulting files would go to directory src/main/webapp/static, which is mapped as static resource in spring mvc

 <mvc:resources order="0" mapping="/static/**" location="/static/, classpath:/META-INF/web-resources/" cache-period="31556926"/>

UI Build

1.  Go to root of the project 
2.  npm install
3.  bower install
4.  grunt build

you can even do grunt serve

MVC Build

Modify srcipt/style refrences of src/main/webapp/static/index.html file suce that static is appeded to path

Ideally I am expecting a grunt plugin to do this, untill unless the plugin is ready we have to do that manually

for example, modify

<script src="scripts/535d1513.scripts.js"></script>


<script src="static/scripts/535d1513.scripts.js"></script>

Next run the jetty server

mvn jetty:run