Video to Barcode converter (See results here)
Video to barcode converter works by taking a video and going frame by frame and generating a line represeting the average color for that frame with our alogorithm. Then it grabs the videos general media information from imdb and adds that item to a json obj which can be used by my Opensea-Entry-Bot automation bot that uploads the img as an nft to Opensea. This is good when having multiple NFTs you'd like to upload. Each image will be the same size no matter the frame count
To get IMDB id search the movie or episode on imdb and take it from the browser and name your media approximately
imdbID = 4359248
video folder name can be changed if updated to match line 133 in
Videos must be formated to match below
TV shows
ex. 4359248-1-1.mp4
ex. 4359248.mp4
"nft": [
"genres": ["Animation", "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Drama", "Fantasy"],
"directors": [],
"name": "Kaken Sakuretsu! Fukkatsu Meramera no Mi no Chikara",
"rating": 8.9,
"plot": "The final Colosseum round continues as Rebecca finally remembers her father. Sabo destroys the Colosseum with his Dragon Claw Fists before leaping at the Fighting Fish bearing the Mera Mera no Mi.",
"image": "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Documents\\Python\\Anime-Frames\\videos-Barcodes\\4359248-1-1.mp4.jpg"