Classification of Skin Disease: eczema & psoriasis

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Version: 0.0.5    
Author : Md. Nazmuddoha Ansary, Shakir Hossain

Version and Requirements

  • numpy==1.16.4
  • tensorflow==1.13.1
  • Keras==2.3.1
  • Python == 3.6.8

Create a Virtualenv and pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Check The following Values in config.json

              "DATA_DIR"        : "/home/ansary/RESEARCH/MEDICAL/Data/",
              "OUTPUT_DIR"      : "/home/ansary/RESEARCH/MEDICAL/Data/",
              "CLASSES"         : "eczema,psoriasis",
              "IMAGE_DIM"       : 64,
              "ROT_ANGLES"      : "5,10,15,20,30,45,60,75",
              "EVAL_SPLIT"      : 0.05,
              "TEST_SPLIT"      : 0.2,
              "BATCH_SIZE"      : 128
  • DATA_DIR should have the following folder tree:

              ├── eczema
              └── psoriasis 
  • run main.py


  • If execution is successful a folder called OUTPUT_DIR/DataSet should be created with the following folder tree:

      ├── Images
      │   ├── {Xid}_{xrot}_{xflip}_{xsample}_{xlabel}.png
      │   ├── {Xid}_{xrot}_{xflip}_{xsample}_{xlabel}.png
      │   ├── {Xid}_{xrot}_{xflip}_{xsample}_{xlabel}.png
      │   └── {Xid}_{xrot}_{xflip}_{xsample}_{xlabel}.png
      ├── Test
      │   ├── X_test.h5
      │   └── Y_test.h5
      └── Train
          ├── X_eval.h5
          ├── X_train.h5
          ├── Y_eval.h5
          └── Y_train.h5
  • Train Data Size:24192 images

  • Test Data Size: 6272 images

  • Eval Data Size: 1152 images


OS          : Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (64-bit) Bionic Beaver        
Memory      : 7.7 GiB  
Processor   : Intel® Core™ i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz × 8    
Graphics    : Intel® UHD Graphics 620 (Kabylake GT2)  
Gnome       : 3.28.2  

TPU(Tensor Processing Unit)

TPU’s have been recently added to the Google Colab portfolio making it even more attractive for quick-and-dirty machine learning projects when your own local processing units are just not fast enough. While the Tesla K80 available in Google Colab delivers respectable 1.87 TFlops and has 12GB RAM, the TPUv2 available from within Google Colab comes with a whopping 180 TFlops, give or take. It also comes with 64 GB High Bandwidth Memory (HBM). Visit This For More Info



  • in convNet.ipynb : SECTION: ConvNet Model Training SUB-SECTION: Data, change the values of the following params as needed:

  • F1 SCORE: 98.4375 %

MODEL: DenseNet

The model is based on the original paper:Densely Connected Convolutional Networks

Authors and Researchers: Gao Huang ; Zhuang Liu ; Laurens van der Maaten ; Kilian Q. Weinberger

The paper introduces Dense Blocks within the traditional convolutional neural network architechture.
The composite layers can also contain bottoleneck layers

As compared to well established CNN models (like : FractNet or ResNet) DenseNet has:
* Less number of feature vector
* Low information bottoleneck
* Better Handling Of the vanishing gradient problem

  • Default Model Structre

  • In addition to the previous parameters like convNet, the following valuese may be changed for exploring.

  • run denseNet.ipynb in colab

  • F1 SCORE: 99.1390306122449 %


  • run app.py
  • used model: DenseNet
  • After Training in colab,download the weights from google drive and place them in models folder in the local copy of the repo