
Show code statisitics for your project

Primary LanguageShell


Show code statistics for your project.


For example, running code-stats on its own directory:

$ code-stats --exclude 'test/fixtures|package-lock.json'

 Filetype | Line count
       sh | 177
       js | 98
 markdown | 76
     json | 22
      All | 373


  • Reports line counts for various types of source files.

  • Optionally specify paths to include, and exclude files by pattern (see usage).

  • Excludes paths like node_modules by default.

  • Supports the following filetypes:

      ## Top languages (Github)                     ## More languages
      ---------------------------------------       ----------------------------------
      js coffee           # Javascript              asm                 # Assembly
      rb erb              # Ruby                    clj                 # Clojure
      py                  # Python                  go                  # Go
      sh                  # Shell                   lisp                # Lisp
      java                # Java                    hs                  # Haskell
      php                 # Php                     pde                 # Processing
      c h                 # C                       scm                 # Scheme
      cpp cc cxx          # C++                     proto               # Protocol Buffers
      pl pm t ep          # Perl
      m mm                # Objective-C
      ## Web and docs                               ## Config
      ---------------------------------------       ----------------------------------
      html htm xhtml xml  # Markup                  cfg ini             # Settings
      css                 # Styles                  json yml            # Serialized
      mustache haml jade  # Templates
      less sass scss styl # Preprocessed CSS
      md markdown         # Docs


To get the code-stats command, install globally with npm:

$ npm install -g code-stats


Just run code-stats within your project directory:

$ code-stats


Run code-stats -h to see the available options:

Usage: code-stats [options] [<paths>]

  <paths>                       Paths to search; defaults to '*'.


  -d, --debug                   Enable debug; shows processed filenames.
  -h, --help                    Show this help info.
  -v, --version                 Show the code-stats version.
  -t, --types <extensions>      File extensions to search, along with defaults (space separated list).
  -T, --types-only <extensions> File extensions to search, instead of defaults (space separated list).
  -x, --exclude <pattern>       Exclude files by regex, along with defaults.
  -X, --exclude-only <pattern>  Exclude files by regex, instead of defaults.