
Simple web server with REST API to execute shell commands for quick monitor or dev automation.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version build Status Conventional Commits

What is it?

ShellBoard is a simple web server with REST API to execute shell commands for quick monitor or dev automation. The commands are configured statically and not editable outside.


Sometimes it is need to have an ad-hoc web server:

  • for monitoring a system state by shell commands;
  • for triggering system actions during development or integration testing.

ShellBoard covers urgent needs to automate some actions by triggering HTTP API.


  • Simple configuration;
  • Simple REST API;
  • Optional Basic Authentication for API requests.


Disclaimer: By default, ShellBoard listen requests only from localhost. It is a responsibility of a server administrator to configure the tool properly and use it securely.

Quick start

Create shellboard.json file in a current directory:

  "commands": [
    "echo Hello World!",

Start the server:

npx shellboard
# or: yarn shellboard
# or: node node_modules/.bin/shellboard

Trigger API endpoints:

# List commands
curl http://localhost:3000/api/commands
{"commands":["echo Hello World!","date"]}

# Execute a command
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/commands/0
{"command":"echo Hello World!","exitStatus":0,"stdout":"Hello World!\n","stderr":""}

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/commands/1
{"command":"date","exitStatus":0,"stdout":"Sat Jan 19 21:56:30 +07 2019\n","stderr":""}


ShellBoard can be installed as a global tool:

npm install --global shellboard

As a development dependency of a project:

npm install --save-dev --save-exact shellboard
# or:  yarn add --dev --exact shellboard

ShellBoard can be run without installation using npx command of npm:

npx shellboard


ShellBoard is configured by environment variables and a configuration file.

Environment variables

The tool uses dotenv library to optionally load environment variables from .env file in a current working directory. See .env.defaults file as an example.

Variables and default values:

  • SHELLBOARD_CONFIG – A path to a configuration file. Default value: shellboard.json.
  • SERVER_HOST – Configures HTTP server to listen a specified network interface. Default value: localhost. To accept external requests from all network interfaces set it to
  • SERVER_PORT – Configures HTTP server to listen a specified port. Default value: 3000.
  • HTTP_LOG_FORMAT – Defines a log format for HTTP requests. Default value: common. Other values: combined, common, dev, short, tiny. Check documentation of morgan library to define custom formats.
  • BASIC_AUTH – Enables Basic Authentication for API endpoints if it is specified. Value format: username:password.

Configuration file

By default ShellBoard looks for shellboard.json file in a current working directory. File path can be changed by SHELLBOARD_CONFIG environment variable.

This file declares an array of shell commands which will be available via API.

  "commands": [
    "free -h",
    "df -u ."

See shellboard-example.json as an example.


GET /api/commands

Returns a list of available commands.


  "commands": [
    "echo Hello World!",

GET /api/commands/:index

Returns details about a command specified by an index of commands list.


  "command": "echo Hello World!"

POST /api/commands/:index

Executes a command specified by an index of commands list.


  "command": "echo Hello World!",
  "exitStatus": 0,
  "stdout": "Hello World!\n", 
  "stderr": ""


Yarn is used as package and build manager.

Development scripts:

  • yarn start – runs a development server in watching mode.
  • yarn lint – checks source code by static analysis tools.
  • yarn test – runs unit tests.
  • yarn check-format – check formats of source code.
  • yarn format – formats source code by prettier tool.
  • yarn check-commit – runs all necessary checks, tests and builds to ensure the commit will be green.

Build scripts:

  • yarn build – compiles sources.
  • yarn dist – makes an app bundle in /dist directory.

Release (for maintainers):

git checkout master; git pull origin master
yarn check-commit
yarn dist-build
yarn check-release
yarn release
git push --follow-tags origin master
npm publish
