# Polly - Fast and Fun Polling App
See it live: https://pollythinks.herokuapp.com/
###Project team members: Aanchal Gupta, Tom Cariello, Marija Naumoski, Matthew Mandel, and Melissa Baldwin.
### Polly is a place in the clouds where users can visit to browse polls.
### Register a profile in order to create, rank, vote, share or favorite a poll.
### Once the profile is created, users can log in safely and create their own polls. When writing the actual poll question the users can preview it before publishing.
### Choices are represented with convenient clickable buttons.
### Users can even observe their own polling activity in the user dashboard.
### Users can cast only one vote on every poll, and edit their own with limited access (we would not like anyone deleting our vote).
### Opinion matters! In that respect, users can leave comments on each of the polls. Polly enables users to rank polls by clicking the thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons. If a poll is of a special meaning users can add and mark their favorites.
### Social Media: Each of the poll can be shared on Facebook and Twitter, and saved as a pin on Pinterest.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
- MongoDB + Robomongo
- Meteor.js + various packages (see below)
- Materializecss + Blaze
- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Docs
- SVGs from https://www.vecteezy.com
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
- Mobile-responsiveness
- maazalik:highcharts used to get the pie chart
- webtempest:animate used to install the animation component app