
Simple/Suck/Stupid/Shitty ColorScheme MANager

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a suck/simple/stupid/shitty colorscheme manager i wrote aimed to be simple and minimal.


usage: scsman <option> <args>
    help                             print this text.
    add <file> <name>                add <file> to the manager.
                                     will create a template named <name> at ./templates.
                                     omit <name> to use path as name instead.
    remove <name>                    if provided template name then remove the template.
                                     if provided file path then the template associated with that file will be remove.
                                     the manager will not manage the file associated with that template anymore.
    list <type>
            templates                list all template and their associated file,.
            colorschemes             list all colorschemes available.
    load <template> <colorscheme>    apply <colorscheme> to the file associated with <template>.
    load-all <colorscheme>           apply <colorscheme> to all the files added to manager.
  • to add a colorscheme, copy a json file in ./colorschemes, edit it then add it to ./colorschemes. to use it just type in the file name without the extension.


there are 2 colorschemes pre-written in ./colorschemes/ (catppuccin-mocha and gruvbox) and a rofi theme ./examples/scsman.rasi

  • first copy the theme into rofi config dir
    cp ./examples/scsman.rasi ~/.config/rofi/scsman.rasi
  • next add the rofi config to scsman
    ./scsman add ~/.config/rofi/scsman.rasi rofi
  • then replace all colors (#aabbcc) in templates/rofi to {<key>}, here i just copy the pre-edited file into it
    cp ./examples/rofi ./templates/rofi
  • now load the colorscheme
    ./scsman load rofi gruvbox
  • finally config rofi to use the theme

why not just use wpgtk?

  • im lazy to learn new stuff
  • wpgtk has a lot of stuffs that i dont need
  • i just need a simple script for my rice
  • i have nothing to do
  • i want to try to implement this by myself
