
Android Core Library to support Android projects with MVVM architecture

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android Code Standard Core Library

Core Features

  • Analytics Repository interface to implemented in app project
  • Commons utils and extention
  • Support MVVM pattern with BaseViewModel
  • Network Configuration
  • WebViewActivity used/ call this directly to show webview
  • BaseActivity and BaseFragment

How to use

Add to Project


allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.mncinnovation:mnc-android-code-standard-core:0.1.3'

or Maven




  1. BaseActivity
class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
    private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

  1. BaseViewModel
  • Handle Result from com.mncgroup.core.network.Result (To Handle result from any data model)
  • Common live event, like _isLoading, showErrorDialog, navigateToLogin and more.
class LoginViewModel constructor(
    private val authRepository: AuthRepository,
    userRepository: UserRepository
) : BaseViewModel() {

    val userData: LiveData<List<UserModel>> = userRepository.getUserLiveData()

    fun authLogin(email: String, password: String) {
        _isLoading.value = true
        GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
            val result = authRepository.requestLogin(LoginRequest(email, password))
            result.handle {
                //handle result ok
                _isLoading.value = false
  1. WebViewActivity, an activity class to show webview. You can use WebViewActivity directly from your project.
    val headers: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
   headers["token"] = "5454wvybw9y9"
       Intent(this@MainActivity, WebViewActivity::class.java)
           .apply {
               putExtra(EXTRA_TITLE, "Webview")
               putExtra(EXTRA_HEADERS, headers.toMap() as Serializable)
               data = Uri.parse("https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/libraries")
  1. Load Image

Easy load image by accessing ImageView extensions. image view extension

  1. Snackbar
    btnShowSnackbar.setOnClickListener {
    showSnackbar(it, "Ini snackbar") {
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "closed snackbar", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
  1. Intens

There is an Intents object that contain functions that return Intent Intents

    btnOpenLocationSetting.setOnClickListener {
  1. AppCompatAlert

Show appCompatAlert or with action, or with input action. showAppCompatAlert Options

    btnShowAppCompatAlertAction.setOnClickListener {
    showAppCompatAlert("This is a message") {
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Test", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
  1. Date Picker and Date utils
   btnShowDatePicker.setOnClickListener {
    showDatePickerAction(null, null) { day, month, year ->
            this@MainActivity, "selected date is " + day +
                    " / " + month +
                    " / " + year, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT

Calendar extensions

  • Calendar.getDate()
  • Calendar.getMonth()
  • Calendar.getFullYear()
  • Calendar.getHours(), Calendar.getMinutes(), Calendar.getSeconds(), Calendar.getMilliseconds()
  • DateFormat.parseIndonesianCalendar(dateString: String): Calendar

Date Format with indonesian Locale variable Date Format

  1. Permissions

Check any permissions and request permissions.

    private fun checkPermissionOrOpenCamera() {
    when (checkPermissionsAll(
    )) {
        PermissionResult.Granted -> openFileChooser()
        PermissionResult.DialogNeeded, PermissionResult.NeedRequest -> {
  1. Internet Util

This is an object to help app check internet connection. First need to init in application class.

class AppNameApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        //init internet util

And to use it call runIfConnectedOrResultException and place call of function API at the body like this sample.

interface AuthRepository {
    suspend fun requestLogin(request: LoginRequest): Result<LoginResponse>

class AuthRepositoryImpl(private val authApi: AuthApi, private val userRepository: UserRepository) :
    AuthRepository {
    override suspend fun requestLogin(request: LoginRequest): Result<LoginResponse> {
        return runIfConnectedOrResultException {
            authApi.loginUser(request).awaitResult() {
  1. View Extensions

Common functions for view configurations.

  • View.hideKeyboard() and View.showKeyboard()
  • View.toBitmap()
  • Boolean?.toVisibleOrGone()
  • Boolean?.toVisibleOrInvisible()
  • Context.dip(value: Int)
  1. Arguments

Start an Activity for given class T and allow to work on intent with "run" lambda function

  • <T : Fragment> T.withSerializable(vararg arguments: Pair<String, Serializable>)
  • <T : Fragment> T.withParcelable(vararg arguments: Pair<String, Parcelable>): T

Retrieve property from intent

  • <T : Any> AppCompatActivity.argument(key: String) : T
  • <T : Any> AppCompatActivity.argument(key: String, defaultValue: T? = null) : T
  • <T : Any> AppCompatActivity.argumentNotNull(key: String, defaultValue: T) : T
  • <T : Any> Fragment.argument(key: String) : T
  • <T : Any> Fragment.argument(key: String, defaultValue: T? = null) : T
  • <T : Any> Fragment.argumentNotNull(key: String, defaultValue: T) : T
  1. ConfigUtils

Configuration for resources locale

  • Context.updateResourcesLocale(locale: Locale): Context
  • Context.updateResourcesLocaleLegacy(locale: Locale): Context
  • Context.updateBaseContextLocale(locale: Locale): Context
  • Context.updateResourcesLocale(body: Configuration.() -> Unit): Context
  • Context.updateBaseContextLocaleWithoutChange(locale: Locale): Context


Copyright 2021 MNC Innovation Center

Proprietary license