
API for The Orchard. https://desolate-spire-11056.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Orchard NYC Restaurants API


The API has been developed using Node v10.16.3. Since the project is mainly focused on the front end, the back end is fairly basic and it's a simple express server. You can run it locally running npm start; the server listens on port 5000.

The API has been deployed on Heroku: https://desolate-spire-11056.herokuapp.com/


The DB server used is the free version of ClearDB MySql as an Heroku Add-On.

The DB has been created from the dump but I have decided to make a few changes:

  1. concatenate score and grade into new field violation_code in the restaurant table
  2. create indexes on restaurant and inspection tables
  3. create a new violation table with just the list of violations (derived from the original violation table with a SELECT DISTINCT)

NB: To run the API locally you need to add the following in the .env file in the root of the project:


Notes: Another improvement I could have made is the creation of a cuisine table and linking it with the restaurant table. The main reason I didn't do it is because I have already exceeded the size of the free version of the db and they disabled my insert privileges! 🤦‍

Unit Tests

Unit tests can be run with npm test.

API Endpoints and Examples

/restaurants (GET)

It accepts filters, sorting and limiting in the query string. Returns a json object with the list of restaurants in results and the total number of rows matching the filter criteria in total_count.

The implemented filters are:

  • dba: the name of the restaurant
  • boro: the borough of the restaurant
  • street: the street of the restaurant
  • cuisine: the cuisine type of the restaurant
  • minGrade: the minimum allowed grade


  • order: can be dba, boro, grade


  • limit: number of restaurants to return
  • offset: index (starting from 0) of the first item to return

/restaurants/:id (GET)

Returns the details of a single restaurant as a json object.

/cuisines (GET)

Returns the list of all the cuisines in the restaurant table as an array of objects.



    "results": [
            "restaurant_id": 21503,
            "dba": "DIWAN GRILL",
            "boro": "BROOKLYN",
            "grade": "Unknown"
            "restaurant_id": 1608,
            "dba": "DIWAN-E- KHAAS",
            "boro": "MANHATTAN",
            "grade": "A"
    "total_count": 3


    "restaurant_id": 12149,
    "dba": "15 FLAVORS",
    "boro": "BRONX",
    "building": "1763",
    "street": "CROSBY AVE",
    "zipcode": "10461",
    "phone": "3473981131",
    "cuisine": "Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices",
    "last_inspection_date": "2016-04-04T23:00:00.000Z",
    "grade": "A",
    "violation_code": "09A",
    "violation_description": "Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."


        "cuisine": "Afghan"
        "cuisine": "African"
        "cuisine": "American"
        "cuisine": "Armenian"

