
A modified Unity ml-agents Dockerfile based on nvidia/cudagl that allows gpu (nvidia) training and doesn't require a headless environment.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

What is it?

A Dockerfile based on nvidia/cudagl that allows GPU based training for Unity ml-agents.

It only works for an NVIDIA GPU and you must have the native NVIDIA driver 390 or newer installed. This has only been tested on Debian Stretch stable with nvidia-driver 390.87-2~bpo9+1 on a Dell XPS 9560, Unity-2018.2.7f1 and ml-agents 0.5.

This Dockerfile is a modified verison of the original Unity ml-agents Dockerfile but is based on nvidia/cudagl. nvidia/cudagl provides both CUDA and OpenGL. The Dockerfile also installs cuDNN.

You must have nvidia-docker2 installed. nvidia-docker2 provides an NVIDIA docker runtime that enables use of the GPU from docker.

Since OpenGL is also installed you are not required to use a headless training environment.

Building the Docker image

$ git clone https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents.git
$ cd ml-agents

Edit the ml-agents/ml-agents/setup.py script and change 'tensorflow>=1.7,<1.8' to 'tensorflow-gpu>=1.7,<1.8'.

The following shows the diff after the edit:

$ git diff -w ml-agents/setup.py
diff --git a/ml-agents/setup.py b/ml-agents/setup.py
index 83852da6..63f48a94 100644
--- a/ml-agents/setup.py
+++ b/ml-agents/setup.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ setup(
     packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests', 'tests.*', '*.tests', '*.tests.*']),  # Required

-        'tensorflow>=1.7,<1.8',
+        'tensorflow-gpu>=1.7,<1.8',

Copy the Dockerfile from this repo to ml-agents/Dockerfile then build the Docker image.

$ docker build -t ml-agents .


See Unity's Using Docker For ML-Agents for instructions on how to build your environment and for a description of the arguments to mlagents-learn.

Build your training environment and copy your training config file to the same directory then run the following command in that directory:

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia -ti --rm -e DISPLAY -e USER 
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro 
-v /etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro 
-p 5005:5005 -v $PWD:/unity-volume -u $UID ml-agents <trainer-config-file> 
--env=<environment-name> --train --run-id=<run-id>