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K8s talk

1. Push image to registry

docker build . -t k8s-talk:latest
# To test image locally
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 k8s-talk:latest

docker tag k8s-talk:latest mneira011/k8s-talk:latest
docker push mneira011/k8s-talk:latest

Dockerhub link: https://hub.docker.com/r/mneira011/k8s-talk

2. Create deployment

kubectl create namespace k8s-talk
kubens k8s-talk

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

# Scale deployment
kubectl scale deployments/awesome-dogs-deployment --replicas=2

# To access locally:
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 1234:8000

# To access globally:
ngrok http 1234

3. Create service

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

# binds to a specific pod!! Not to a service
kubectl port-forward svc/awesome-dogs-service 1234:80

# Get shell k8s & curl for page, ids should change
kubectl exec --stdin --tty <pod-name> -- /bin/bash

# in pod, curl should get different ids!
curl http://awesome-dogs-service

4. Create Ingress

# Ingress
k apply -f ingress.yaml

Visit http://dogs.cluster-test.upcodes.co