Roman Numeral Calculator

Directory Structure

|   |___main.c
|   |___roman_numeral.c
|   |___roman_numeral.h

Software Required:

  • GNU GCC Compiler
  • GNU Make
  • Check
  • Git

How to use

Edit check_rncalc.check to run different tests with Check


ck_assert_int_eq(sumOfRoman("XLIX", "XXVI"), 75);
ck_assert_int_eq(diffOfRoman("XL", "VII"), 33);

After your edits, make sure you save. Then run these commands in your terminal:

cd test
checkmk check_rncalc.check > roman_numeral_test.c

This will create the C file needed for Check

To run program with test case, run this command from the main directory:

make -f Makefile test

I recommend to clean the directory of the output files before running the program again

To clean directory run:

make -f Makefile clean