
octsock5 : high-speed data exchange between Julia processes and others (e.g. in the future Octave)

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION

Octsock5 - high speed inter-process data interface


Serialization and data exchange over windows named pipes and TCP/IP between processes.

  • Main audience: high-performance math-centric applications
  • Typical use case: Need performance but don't want C-level linkage to Julia
    • e.g. may not risk SEGFAULTs in complex system
    • e.g. want clean "reset" of math system (including dynamic memory) via restarting the Julia slave processes
    • e.g. want multiple, fully independent math processes
  • Optimized for latency
  • Optimized for throughput
  • Supports any combination of number formats:
    • 8/16/32/64 bit integer
    • signed / unsigned integer
    • Float32 / Float64 (aka "single", "float", "double")
    • real or complex
    • scalar, 1d, 2d, 3d dense matrices
    • column/row vector as 1xn or nx1 matrix

Sister project:

C# end: https://github.com/mnentwig/octsock5_cSharp


None (tested with Julia 6 on Windows 10 / 64 bit)

Supported data types

  • Signed/Unsigned Integer 8/16/32/64 bit
  • 32/64 bit float
  • Real, complex
  • +/-Inf, NaN
  • numeric arrays 1, 2, 3-dimensional
  • Tuples (Any type)
  • Dictionaries (Any type / Any type)
  • Strings

Automatic conversion

  • RowVector
  • UnitRange
  • LinSpace
  • StepRangeLen

are converted into equivalent Arrays


* function octsock5_new(;isServer::Bool=false, portNum::Int64=-1)

Creates octsock5_cl object as server/client using windows named pipes (negative portNum) or TCP/IP (positive)

* function octsock5_accept(self::octsock5_cl)

Starts the server (Note, the client may connect already once the server's "octsock5_new" has returned)

* function octsock5_delete(self::octsock5_cl)

Closes the server/client

* function octsock5_write(self::octsock5_cl, arg)

Sends "arg"

* function octsock5_read(self::octsock5_cl)

Returns the next argument to "octsock5_write" on the remote end


E.g. 750 MBytes / second round-trip on a 2013 i7 4930 4500 MHz, 37 us round-trip for a single scalar

Curiously, the C# loopback server currently outperforms the Julia implementation by about 20 %.

Known bugs

No check for valid types

Getting started

  • Make Pkg.test("octsock5") work
  • Run "julia test/main.jl client server" (that is, give both "client" and "server" as command line arguments).

Hello world

The code below transmits and receives a single string to and from the loopback server (which must be running). See test/main.jl for more details.

iOs::octsock5_cl = octsock5_new(isServer=false, portNum=-12345); 
# Note: a server would need here an additional call to octsock5_accept(iOs)
octsock5_write(iOs, "Hello World");
res::String = octsock5_read(iOs); assert(res == "Hello World");

In principle, client and server can run in the same process. This doesn't make too much sense for a real-world application, but is convenient for testing.


  • Dynamic memory management is expensive. Reading inbound data into pre-allocated (/reused) memory might be considerably faster, e.g. overwrite older data.
  • Type stability equals speed. Numeric array types and strings have an advantage over Tuples and Dictionaries, since they avoid "Any" type.
  • A suspected performance bottleneck (compared to C#) is single-byte "memcpy" in Julia's io libraries.

See also

Julia has built-in serialization, but the protocol is fairly complex and not guaranteed to remain stable between versions.