
The litter-robot component offers integration with the Litter-Robot WiFi enabled devices to Home Assistant.

🍻 I'm not employed by Litter Robot, and provide this plugin purely for our own enjoyment.

Use my referal code and get $25 off your own robot (and it tips me too!)



Load this component by copying the entire directory as described in . This is easiest with the Samba share add-on.


You'll need to have connected to your robot at least once before with the mobile app.

🔑 Trouble finding the API key? Search for x-api-key in this thread for more details.

Edit /config/configuration.yaml. For a robot nicknamed "Tesla Meowdel S":

  username: "<your litter-robot open connect email>"
  password: "<your password>"
  api_key: "<litter robot app API key>"

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Tesla Meowdel S Night Light"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_nightlight', 'On') }}"
        icon_template: "mdi:lightbulb"
          service: litter_robot.nightlight_turn_on
          service: litter_robot.nightlight_turn_off
        friendly_name: "Tesla Meowdel S Cycle"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_status', 'Clean Cycling') }}"
        icon_template: "mdi:refresh"
          service: litter_robot.cycle

Restart HASS to activate the component and to reapply config changes. This can be done from the frontend via Configuration -> General -> Server management -> Restart.

Grouping Sensors

Discover the list by searching "litter_robot" in the frontend: Developer tools -> <> (States).

Edit /config/groups.yaml. For a robot nicknamed "Tesla Meowdel S":

Tesla Meowdel S:
  control: hidden
    - sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_status
    - sensor.litter_robot_tesla_meowdel_s_waste
    - switch.litter_robot_cycle
    - switch.litter_robot_nightlight

Then reload Groups config. This is easiest done with the frontend Configuration -> General -> Configuration reloading -> Reload groups.


Watch /config/home-assistant.log, which is accessible from the frontend via Developer tools -> (i) (/dev-info).


GET /users/:user_id/litter-robots

	"powerStatus": "AC",
	"sleepModeStartTime": "0",
	"lastSeen": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
	"sleepModeEndTime": "0",
	"autoOfflineDisabled": true,
	"setupDate": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000000",
	"DFICycleCount": "0",
	"cleanCycleWaitTimeMinutes": "3",
	"unitStatus": "RDY",
	"isOnboarded": true,
	"deviceType": "udp",
	"litterRobotNickname": "Tesla Meowdel S",
	"cycleCount": "67",
	"panelLockActive": "0",
	"cyclesAfterDrawerFull": "0",
	"litterRobotSerial": "LR3C000000",
	"cycleCapacity": "46",
	"litterRobotId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"nightLightActive": "0",
	"didNotifyOffline": false,
	"isDFITriggered": "0",
	"sleepModeActive": "110:33:14"
  • sleepModeActive: either "0" or "1HH:mm:ss" where HH:mm:ss is number of hours, minutes and seconds since last sleep started. Sleep mode is between "100:00:00" and "108:00:00" (8 hours).

  • unitStatus: is one of:

"RDY" == Unit ready to be used.
"CCP" == Cleaning Cycle in Progress
"CCC" == Cleaning Cycle Completed
"DF1" == Drawer is Full -- But it is able to cycle a few more times.
"DF2" == Drawer is Full -- But it is still able to cycle a few more times.
"CST" == Cat sensor timing
"CSI" == Cat sensor interrupt
"BR" == Bonnet removed
"P" == Unit is Paused
"OFF" == Unit is turned off
"SDF" == Drawer is completely full and will not cycle. 


"<C" == Start cleaning cycle
"<W7" == Set wait time to 7 minutes
"<W3" == Set wait time to 3 minutes
"<WF" == Set wait time to 15 minutes
"<P0" == Turn off
"<P1" == Turn on
"<N1" == Turn on night light
"<N0" == Turn off night light
"<S0" == Turn off sleep mode
"<S119:45:02" == Turn on sleep mode, followed by number of hours, minutes, and seconds since last sleep started. E.g. 19 hours, 45 min, 2 sec.
"<L1" == Turn on panel lock
"<L0" == Turn off panel lock

Settings & Resetting Tray

PATCH /users/:user_id/litter-robots/:robot_id


	"litterRobotSerial": "LR3C000000",
	"cyclesAfterDrawerFull": "0",
	"litterRobotNickname": "Tesla Meowdel S",
	"cycleCount": "0",
	"cycleCapacity": "46"

Response is one full robot entity.


  • More sensors
    • Mark drawer empty
  • Multiple robots
    • Sensors uniquely identify robot