
Plug for full page response caching

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Plug for full page response caching.


This is not the plug you are looking for!

Well, perhaps at least. There is no "one size fits all" caching solution.

This plug should better be seen as "food for thought" or an easy way to just plug some cache into your application and see what happens.

Question this library might answer:

"Would my site be any faster if the complete page would be served from memory?"


Add the plug as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
  [ { :plug_pagecache, "~> 0.2" } ]

You should also update your applications to include all necessary projects:

def application do
  [ applications: [ :plug_pagecache ] ]



Define your caches in your config.exs:

use Mix.Config

config :plug_pagecache,
    my_agent_cache: [
      adapter:     Plug.PageCache.Adapter.Agent,
      auto_expire: 3600
    my_ets_cache: [
      adapter:     Plug.PageCache.Adapter.ETS,
      auto_expire: 3600,
      table:       :my_ets_table

Every cache is configured using an internal name as the key and a Keyword.t for details. The key :adapter is always necessary, other configuration values depend on the used adapter.


Add the cache you have configured to your plug pipeline:

defmodule AppRouter do
  use Plug.Router

  plug Plug.PageCache, cache: :my_configured_cache

  # ...

  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  # ...

Any not nil response body will be cached after dispatching using the served path as the key. If there is a cached response available it will be sent with the response status 200 (OK) to the client.


As there is no automatic expiration/invalidation these things have to be done manually:

cache   = Config.cache_id(:my_configured_cache)
request = { :remove, "/path/to/be/invalidated" }

:ok = GenServer.call(cache, request)

Cleaning all entries is also possible:

cache   = Config.cache_id(:my_configured_cache)
request = :clean

:ok = GenServer.call(cache, request)

Available Adapters


Uses a plain GenServer to serve responses directly from memory (== state).

Requires no additional configuration.

Optionally takes an :auto_expire value as entry lifetime in seconds.


Uses an ets table to serve responses.

Responses are stored in a :named_table you have to configure using the :table key.

Optionally takes an :auto_expire value as entry lifetime in seconds.


Apache License, Version 2.0