
Project files for laravel cashier article

Primary LanguagePHP


Laravel cashier article project files for SitePoint


  • PHP 5.4


To install the project simply run:

//clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:Whyounes/laravelCashier.git

//install the dependencies
composer install

//update your `config/database.php` with your database credentials,
then migrate the table to the database
php artisan migrate

//seed the database
php artisan db:seed --class='PostsTableSeeder'

then you need to modify config/services.php with your Stripe secret API key and views/signup.blade.php with your publishable key.

You can run php artisan serve and create a new account to test the app.


To test the functionalities you can signup with some credentials:

plan: select a Basic plan first so you can test the upgrade functionality. email: test@mail.com password: yourpassword card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 expiration date: any date for testing is valid. cvc: any three digits number is valid.

now you can login to the app and visit some posts. the post number '2' is reserved only for gold members. You can upgrade your plan membership and then you will have access to the post.