Nightwatch BDD Testing based on Chai Expect Library Cheat Sheet

API Documentation

Testing Base

Use the below as a start for each test. The text below as shown as "login working" should be a quick description of what your test is doing so when the test runs, we know what it is testing.

module.exports = {
  'login working': function (client) {



Helper Options Code/Example
Go to a URL (url I want the test to happen on) .url('http://localhost:3000')
Pause (milliseconds) .pause(1000)
Resize the window (new window width, new window height) .resizeWindow(1000, 800)
Close a window .closeWindow()
Save a screenshot (where you want it saved) .saveScreenshot('/path/to/filename.png')
Wait for an element to be or not be present before moving on (element, milliseconds) .waitForElementPresent('.myDiv', 1000)
.waitForElementNotPresent('.myDiv', 1000)
Wait for an element to be or not be visible before moving on (element, milliseconds) .waitForElementVisible('.myDiv', 1000)
.waitForElementNotVisible('.myDiv', 1000)
Close a window .closeWindow()

Actions (Commands)

Action Options Code/Example
Click something (element I want clicked) .click(‘button’)
Set a value of something (usually an input) (element I want the value to be put into, the value I want entered) .setValue(‘input[type=text]’, ’sample input’)
Submit a form (form element I want submitted) .submitForm(‘form.login’)
Clear a value (element you want cleared) .clearValue('input[type=text]')
Get element size (element) .getElementSize('.myDiv', function (result) {
// tests here
// returns result.value.width and result.value.height`
Get element's location on the page (element) .getLocation('.myDiv', function (result) {
// tests here
// returns result.value.x, result.value.y
Get element's visible text (element) .getText('.myButton', function (result) {
// tests here
// returns result.value
Get element's value (input) (element) .getValue('form input[type=text]', function (result) {
// tests here
// returns result.value

Things to Test (Expect)

Test Options Code/Example
Check to see if an element has certain text or does not have certain text (element I want checked)
(text I expect to see)
.expect.element('.main')'My text exactly matched')
.expect.element('.main')'some text within my text')
.expect.element('.main')'This text should not be found)
.expect.element('.main')'This text should not be in my element')
.expect.element('.main')'This text should not be found).before(1000)
.expect.element('.main')'This text should not be found).after(1000)
Check for a CSS property on an element, or check that an element does not have it (element I want checked)
(css property I expect)
(css value I expect)
Check to see if an element is the type you expected (form element I want submitted) .expect.element('.main')'div')
Check to see if an element is enabled, not enabled, enabled before a time period passes (checkboxes)
Check to see if an element is present on the page, not present, or not present before a time period passes (element)
Check to see if an element is selected (options or inputs), not selected, or selected before a time period passes (element)
Check to see if an element is visible, not visible, or visible before a time period passes (element)