Backend for mnimidamon written in Go.
The mnimidamon server can be started with this command:
go run ./cmd/mnimidamon-server/main.go
or build the executable and run it later:
go build ./cmd/mnimidamon-server/main.go
The server uses HTTP communications to exchange JSON entities. The endpoints follow REST specifications
which are defined in ./public/spec/swagger.yml
. Client and Server communication code is generated by the
toolkit. If the specifications change, run the following commands respectfully.
Generate endpoints code:
swagger generate server -A mnimidamon -f ./public/spec/swagger.yaml -C swagger-layout.yml -t ./adapter/restapi -s endpoints -m modelapi
Generate clients code:
swagger generate client -A mnimidamon -f ./public/spec/swagger.yaml
Generate GUI mnimidamon server .exe file for windows:
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui cmd/mnimidamon-server-gui/main.go
For other platforms:
go build cmd/mnimidamon-server-gui/main.go
Generate command line mnimidamon server .exe file:
go build cmd/mnimidamon-server/main.go