
DKIM Verification:

  • The circuits includes an EmailVerifierPaypal component that verifies the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signature of the email.
  • It takes the email header data, public key (modulus), signature, and body data as inputs.
  • The DKIM verification ensures that the email is authentic and hasn't been tampered with.
  • The circuit outputs the header hash, email hash (using Poseidon hash), and post-compute hash.

Regular Expression (Regex) Extractions:

  • The circuit uses several regex components to extract specific information from the email header and body.
  • It extracts the "From" email address, PayPal send amount, and timestamp using regex patterns.
  • The extracted data is then processed and converted into signals for further use.

Email Extraction:

  • The circuit extracts the offramper and onramper email IDs from the email body and header, respectively.
  • It uses regex components (PaypalOfframperEmailExtraction and PaypalActorEmailExtraction) to match and extract the relevant email IDs.

Merkle Tree Hashing:

  • The extracted offramper and onramper email IDs are hashed using a Merkle tree.
  • The email IDs are first packed into fixed-size chunks (email_pack_size) and then hashed using the Poseidon hash function to create leaf nodes.
  • The Merkle tree is constructed using the MerkleTreeChecker component, which takes the leaf nodes, path elements, and path indices as inputs.
  • The circuit outputs the Merkle root hash for both the offramper and onramper email IDs.

Nullifier Generation:

The circuit generates a unique nullifier for the email using the EmailNullifier component. It takes the header hash and a random value (derived from the signature) as inputs and outputs the nullifier. The nullifier serves as a unique identifier for the email and prevents double-spending or replay attacks.

Intent Hash:

The circuit includes an intent hash input, which is used to tie the proof to a specific transaction intent.