InDesign Scripts


  1. Download and extract this repository

  2. Download and extract dependencies

  3. Find the script directory for InDesign. i.e /Users/{USER}/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 16.0/en_GB/Scripts/Scripts Panel

  1. Move AdobeCC-Scripts to the directory above.
  2. Copy the contents of restix into AdobeCC-Scripts/third-party/restix

Setting up Access Token for

  • Go to to create New Application.

  • Fill in the input fields:

    • Name: Import To InDesign
    • Redirct URI: https://localhost
    • Website: https://localhost
    • Description: Import to InDesign
  • Copy the Personal Access Token in the application page

  • Create the file called .config with the content of:

    "": {
        "accessToken": "PASTE YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE"
/Users/{USER}/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 16.0/en_GB/Scripts/Scripts Panel/
| |____screenshot-script-directory.png
| |____download-unlinked-icloud-files.jsx
| |____import-arena.jsx
| |____replace-hyperlink.jsx
| |____update-page.jsx
| |____restix
| | |____LICENSE
| | |
| | |____.gitignore
| | |____examples
| | | |____lib
| | | | |____json2.js
| | | |____connect.jsx
| | |____restix.jsx
| |____unembed-all.jsx

Personal InDesign Utility commands

  • download-unlinked-icloud-files.jsx: Iterate the unlinked items, and kick off download if the item is in the icloud drive.


Download the block from


InDesign file needs to be saved beforehand.

  • Select a rectangle you want to import the image into.
  • Click import-arena.jsx from the script pane
  • Paste the block url (the script pop up doesn't allow paste by keyboard shortcut, right-click to paste.)
  • The image will be downloaded and pasted into the rectangle.
  • If you select the text frame, it allows you to download the content accordingly.
