Backend Code Repo
A grocery delivery app built with react native , nodejs and mongodb.
# React Native for Android app development
# Redux toolkit for state management
# Nodejs for Backend
# Mongodb as Database
# Mapbox for map feature
# Stripe for payment gateway
# Firebase cloud storage for storing images
# Docker for Containerization
# Nginx Reverse Proxy
# RabbitMQ as a message broker
# JWT authentication
# Hashed password saving in the MongoDB database
# RESTful API using ExpressJS
# Login using email and password
# Searching products by voice
# Adding and removing products from wishlist
# Adding Different Address to a user by selecting on the map
# Payment feature by stripe
# Filtering Products based on different categories
# Sorting Products based on Price in ascending and descending order
# Separate screen for seeing user's all orders
# Free Delivery on orders above 99
# Persisting User Cart
# Persisting Current User
# Checkout Feature
# JWT Authentication
# JWT cookie authentication
If you have any feedback or suggestions please reach out to maintainers.