A small library that allows developers to translate to/from English/Morse Code.
Add this to your Cartfile:
github "mnocito/SwiftyMorse"
In a workspace, add SwiftyMorse.xcodeproj to your root project directory.
In a project, add the SwiftyMorse.swift file to the project tree.
• iOS 7.0+ / OS X 10.9+
• Xcode 7
import SwiftyMorse
SwiftyMorse.translateTo("Morse", "Hi there") // returns ".... .. / - .... . .-. ."
SwiftyMorse.translateTo("English", ".... .. / - .... . .-. .") // returns "HI THERE"
let invalidEnglishText = "Hi there! ][[;';lp;'l"
let validEnglishText = SwiftyMorse.strip("English", invalidEnglishText) // returns "Hi there"
let invalidMorseText = ".-. / .-This is some english"
let validMorseText = SwiftyMorse.strip("Morse", invalidMorseText) // returns ".-. / .-"
Translate a string to a language, in this case either Morse or English.
If the language
is neither Morse nor English, the function throws an UnsupportedLanguage
Likewise, if the text
is invalid, the function throws an InvalidString
error. See usage for examples.
Strips all invalid characters from a string with a specified language, in this case either Morse or English.
If the language
is neither Morse nor English, the function throws an UnsupportedLanguage
error. See usage for examples.