
simple url shortener implemented using Flask

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple URL shortener implemented using Flask

Build Status

Persistence layer provided by SQLAlchemy (flask_sqlalchemy). API Resource class provided by flask-restful

How to install?


git clone git@github.com:mnowotka/babyshortener.git
cd babyshortener
pip install .
pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install git+https://github.com/mnowotka/babyshortener.git

How to test?


python tests/test_shortener.py

How to run development server?

If installed by cloning GitHub repo, add project root directory to PYTHONPATH and run:

python babyshortener/run_shortener.py

If installed via pip, the run_shortener command should be available

How to make request using curl?

To shorten:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"url": "www.google.com"}' http://localhost:5000/shorten_url

To redirect:

curl http://localhost:5000/1VV

How to configure to scale?

  1. Provide your own settings file and configure SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to point to the production database

  2. Deploy behind gunicorn & NGINX (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-serve-flask-applications-with-gunicorn-and-nginx-on-ubuntu-14-04)

export BABYSHORTENER_SETTINGS=/path/to/settings.cfg
gunicorn --bind localhost:8080 --workers 4 'babyshortener.run_shortener:main'

  1. Deploy on multiple machines behind a load balancer

  2. Add a cache layer