JSON Schema Website

This is the repository for the JSON Schema website.

For issues, discussion, and changes to the JSON Schema specification, please use the json-schema-spec repository.


For the current status of issues and pull requests, please see the following badges


Available In Progress Review Needed

Critical High Medium Low

Labels are assigned based on Sensible Github Labels.

Compile and run locally

This site runs via github pages, with automatically building PR previews via netlify. If you wish to compile and run this site locally, you will need to have ruby installed.

If you're not familiar with ruby, consider using rvm (https://rvm.io/). Once you have Ruby installed, follow these instructions while in the project directory


1. Install the jekyll and bundler gems.

`gem install jekyll bundler`

2. Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog.


3. Build the site and make it available on a local server.

`bundle exec jekyll serve`

4. Browse to http://localhost:4000

Adapted from https://jekyllrb.com/docs/


The source material in this repository is licensed under the AFL or BSD license.