
This repository contains the code for the TextGraphs-15 paper "Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs".

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Graformer - Graph Transformer for Graph-to-Text Generation

This repository contains the code for the TextGraphs-15 paper "Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs".

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    title = "Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs",
    author = {Schmitt, Martin  and
      Ribeiro, Leonardo F. R.  and
      Dufter, Philipp  and
      Gurevych, Iryna  and
      Sch{\"u}tze, Hinrich},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-15)",
    month = jun,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Mexico City, Mexico",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/11.textgraphs-1.2",
    pages = "10--21",



  1. Download the unprocessed json files for the AGENDA dataset from here. You will need to unpack the archive into the data/agenda directory.
  2. Apply the patch we provide for training instances with special characters by running the following command inside the data/agenda directory: patch unprocessed.train.json agenda.patch


  1. Download the XML files used in the original challenge in 2017 from here. Put the three folders train, dev, and test into the data/webnlg directory.
  2. Run the following commands to convert the XML files to JSON.
python3 src/preprocessing/format_webnlg_xml.py data/webnlg/train/*triples/*.xml data/webnlg/train.json
python3 src/preprocessing/format_webnlg_xml.py data/webnlg/dev/*triples/*.xml data/webnlg/dev.json
python3 src/preprocessing/format_webnlg_xml.py data/webnlg/test/testdata_with_lex.xml data/webnlg/test.json

Creating reference files


python3 src/preprocessing/create_ref_webnlg.py data/webnlg/dev.json data/webnlg/val-ref.txt
python3 src/preprocessing/create_ref_webnlg.py data/webnlg/test.json data/webnlg/test-ref.txt


python3 src/preprocessing/create_ref_agenda.py data/agenda/unprocessed.val.json data/agenda/val-ref.txt
python3 src/preprocessing/create_ref_agenda.py data/agenda/unprocessed.test.json data/agenda/test-ref.txt


Learn a BPE model

  1. Create corpus for vocabulary training
python3 -m src.preprocessing.create_raw_corpus_webnlg data/webnlg/train.json data/webnlg/preprocessed_spm_corpus.txt
  1. Train the model
python3 src/preprocessing/train_spm_webnlg.py data/webnlg/preprocessed_spm_corpus.txt data/webnlg/bpe 2100

For AGENDA, remove the _webnlg part from the scripts' names and adjust the vocabulary size from 2100 to 24100.

Use the BPE model

Adapt one of the following commands to preprocess the appropriate data split, e.g., WebNLG dev:

python3 -m src.preprocessing.prepare_webnlg data/webnlg/dev.json data/webnlg/val-graphs.json data/webnlg/val-texts.json data/webnlg/bpe.model

Another example, AGENDA train:

python3 -m src.preprocessing.prepare_agenda data/agenda/unprocessed.train.json data/agenda/train-graphs.json data/agenda/train-texts.json data/agenda/bpe.model


For training a model, adapt one of the following commands:

python3 -m src.train.lightning_tokennodes data/agenda/ --gpus 0 --no-copy --beam-size 1 --batch-size 8 --attention-dropout 0.1 --coverage-weight 0.0 --dim-feedforward 2000 --hidden-dim 400 --dropout 0.1 --gpos-regularizer 0.0 --input-dropout 0.1 --l2-regularizer 0.0003 --label-smoothing 0.3 --max-graph-range 6 --max-text-range 50 --num-decoder-layers 5 --num-encoder-layers 4 --num-heads 8 --same-text-range 10 --word-dropout 0.0 --experiment-name agenda_seed1 --optimizer-name adafactor --num-epochs 40 --accum-count 2 --seed 1 --prenorm --grad-clip 1.0
python3 -m src.train.lightning_tokennodes data/webnlg/ --gpus 0 --webNLG --no-copy --beam-size 1 --batch-size 4 --attention-dropout 0.3 --coverage-weight 0.0 --dim-feedforward 512 --hidden-dim 256 --dropout 0.1 --gpos-regularizer 0.0 --input-dropout 0.0 --l2-regularizer 0.003 --label-smoothing 0.25 --max-graph-range 4 --max-text-range 25 --num-decoder-layers 3 --num-encoder-layers 3 --num-heads 8 --same-text-range 10 --word-dropout 0.0 --experiment-name webnlg_seed1 --optimizer-name adafactor --num-epochs 200 --accum-count 3 --seed 1 --prenorm --grad-clip 1.0


python3 -m src.train.predict --gpus 0 checkpoints/agenda_seed1/version_0/epoch=37-step=91997.ckpt data/agenda/test-graphs.json data/agenda/test-texts.json data/agenda/test-ref.txt --batch-size 64 --beam-size 2 --length-penalty 5.0
python3 -m src.train.predict --gpus 0 checkpoints/webnlg_seed1/epoch=82.ckpt data/webnlg/test-graphs.json data/webnlg/test-text.json data/webnlg/test-ref.txt --batch-size 32 --beam-size 2 --length-penalty 5.0