
Making twitter bots using Cheap Bots Done Quick

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Making twitter bots using Cheap Bots, Done Quick!

What is it?

Cheap Bots, Done Quick! is a platform for generative Twitter bots.

It uses Tracery to generate content from JSON source.

At it's simplest, it turns this:

  "origin" : "Hello World"

into this:

Hello World

Tokens (wrapped with a hash like #this#) are expanded from this:

  "origin" : "Hello #planets#",
  "planets" : ["Mercury", "Venus", "Mars", "Earth"]

into any of these (it picks a value randomly each time it runs):

Hello Mercury
Hello Venus
Hello Mars
Hello Earth

SVG and dynamic content

Now plain text tweets are great, but the reason that I love Cheap Bots Done Quick is that you can create and tweet images using SVG. Also, you can create dynamic content using Javascript in SVG - for example, writing the date, or loading external content.

Here are a few bots that use SVG to create random images

@sadkeanubot @badphotoquality @time4gametheory @shakyinsultbot
places a pic of Sad Keanu on a random photo of a chair applies blur or posterise filter to worsen a photo and overlays the date overlays the "Guys, it's time..." text on a random New Yorker cartoon generates Shakespeare insults
view the source view the source view the source view the source

Image twitter bot tutorials

Other Cheap Bots Done Quick tutorials