
My abandoned Amiga/BeOS RTS game from 1998-2000

Primary LanguageC++


I think this was my first "big" computer software project, the real-time strategy game "Soeki" (First called "Networ" and later also "The Plague"). I started this in around 1998 on an Amiga 1200 using the Maxon C++ compiler, learning the language from the handbook. At least, a bit of that language. I was 14 when I started and abandoned it around 16 because of the dramatic changes that happen to the teenage psyche in that time, I guess. During development it also became clear that the Amiga would not be resurrected and I moved development over to BeOS on a 166 MHz Pentium (?), only to see Be, Inc. crumble quickly as well. I had later lost all sources and assets, but my internet pen-pal Matthias Waldhauer had kept some of them around in an archive and sent them to me almost 20 years later. He had been active in the demoscene back then and gave me his triangle filling, texturing and shading code that was originally written in Java, and generally taught me a lot about graphics programming. My code style from that time is of course terrible, the naming of things is comedic and indentation is all over the place. Anyway, I decided to release it unchanged, with all the cringe included. Maybe I'll clean it up and do a Linux port one day, who knows.

A BeOS Soeki screenshot