A simple way to run your own Slack bot for generating awyiss images via the awesome awyisser.
Create a new bot user integration for your Slack group.
Deploy this Sinatra app to Heroku or whatever service you prefer.
Setup a new outgoing webhook for your Slack group.
Set the Trigger Word as "awyiss" (and any other words you want)
Set the URL as the one you deployed your app to +
. For Heroku, it will look something likehttps://floating-thunder-7193.herokuapp.com/awyiss
Export your Slack bot's token (NOT your webhook token) as
to Heroku / other environment.
awyiss something awsome happened.
awyiss motha fuckin very awsome happed.
awyiss sfw hoi!!
awyiss sfw hoi! im temmie!!!
WARNING!!! awyisser tweets all your yisses to @awyisser, so maybe don't put anything you don't want tweeted?
Thanks to the wonderful Kate Beaton for writing the comic and @quinnkeast for making the original awyisser. The bot is inspired by hubot-awyisser. Contributors to this project includes: Ken Sin and Movable Ink.