
Slack bot for awyisser

Primary LanguageRuby

Slack bot awyisser


A simple way to run your own Slack bot for generating awyiss images via the awesome awyisser.


  1. Create a new bot user integration for your Slack group.

  2. Deploy this Sinatra app to Heroku or whatever service you prefer.

  3. Setup a new outgoing webhook for your Slack group.

    • Set the Trigger Word as "awyiss" (and any other words you want)

    • Set the URL as the one you deployed your app to + /awyiss. For Heroku, it will look something like https://floating-thunder-7193.herokuapp.com/awyiss

  4. Export your Slack bot's token (NOT your webhook token) as SLACK_API_TOKEN to Heroku / other environment.

How to awyiss

awyiss something awsome happened.
awyiss motha fuckin very awsome happed.

Playing it safe (sfw aw yissing)

awyiss sfw hoi!!
awyiss sfw hoi! im temmie!!!

WARNING!!! awyisser tweets all your yisses to @awyisser, so maybe don't put anything you don't want tweeted?


Thanks to the wonderful Kate Beaton for writing the comic and @quinnkeast for making the original awyisser. The bot is inspired by hubot-awyisser. Contributors to this project includes: Ken Sin and Movable Ink.