Simple (yArrr) Ruby Switcher
version 0.0.1

1. What?

    sars is a simple command line script to make it easy to switch between
    different Ruby versions and gems

2. Installation

   1. copy "sars" to some path existing in $PATH

   2. create ".sars.ini" in your HOME folder (see example.sars.ini)

   3. add ruby_dst_path and gem_dst_path/bin to $PATH in .bashrc/.profile/...

   4. profit!1

3. Configuration

    Configuration is done in ~/.sars.ini. The [options] section contain
    options for all configurations and it should specify the following

        - ruby_dst_path - where to create symlinks of ruby executables

        - gem_dst_path  - where to create symlink of the gem folder

    Other sections configure different installations and gemset variations.
    Each configuration section should contain:

        - ruby_path - path to ruby executables
        - gem_path  - path to gems

4. Roadmap

    - error checking, automatic directory creation

    - shortcut for adding configurations