Hello fellow developers 👋

My name is Youssef

I'm a software engineering student who likes to build cool projects in Typescript. Let's connect on LinkedIn!

Youssef's GitHub stats

Deployed projects:

TZCities (Demo)

  • One-page application for tracking timezones of several cities across the world simultaneously
  • Change your current location's time to see the other city's time change with respect to yours
  • Included Google Maps Autocomplete to search any city in the world
  • Techstack: Next.js + Typescript

  • PairPro (Demo)

  • Match-making system to connect with developers of similar interest and experience to build projects together
  • Included Auth0 for GitHub access + gmail access to send emails to user when matched with another developer
  • Techstack: Next.js + MongoDB + Typescript + Recoil
  • DaoJobz (Demo)

  • Job board for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) to onboard contributors
  • Users were authenticated through discord to remain anonymous (preferred identity)
  • Deployed With 5+ DAOs registered on launch day
  • Techstack: Typescript + Next.js + GraphQL + PostgreSQL + Prisma
  • CheckTheFloor (Demo)

  • Built simple subscriptions app where users can subscribe to NFT collections on Opensea and receive a text message When the floor price falls under a certain price
  • Used cron jobs to periodically monitor Opensea and send texts to subscribers using Twilio API
  • Deployed With 5+ DAOs registered on launch day
  • Techstack: Typescript + Node.js + PostgreSQL + Prisma + Twilio API
  • Serve (Demo)

  • Internal tooling for developers to generate APIs in less than a minute
  • Turn any SQL query or Spreadsheet into an API endpoint and run CRUD operations on it
  • Integrates with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google Sheets, CSV, and JSON files
  • Front-end: Typescript + Next.js + Mantine (components)
  • Back-end: Typescript + Fastify + GraphQL + PostgreSQL + Prisma + Twilio API
  • Experience:


    html5 css3 javascript react


    nodejs typescript next.js prisma graphql fastify


    postgresql mongodb firebase firebase Solidity