
WiFi basics and code to sync to an NTP clock

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Arduino/ESP32 Wifi Part1

Here some simple code to get started with Wifi on a Arduino with integrated WiFi (tested on an ESP32). NOTE: the ESP32 only supports 2.4G networks. 5G networks will not be seen by the ESP32.


This is a simple program by Techtutorialsx that scans the available Wifi networks and reports these in the Serial monitor. In addition, it will login onto a hard-coded SSID with password defined in the code. https://techtutorialsx.com/2017/06/29/esp32-arduino-getting-started-with-wifi/


This code reads out an NTP clock to sync time. Code is based on the link below, but adapted to work on ESP32. https://lastminuteengineers.com/esp8266-ntp-server-date-time-tutorial/

How to use:

See here for a video on ESP32 WiFi basics and how to sync to an NTP clock https://youtu.be/0AlATlN95Y0

Have fun ;-)

mo thunderz