Mojito E-Portfolio Frontend

Mojito E-Portfolio is an online portfolio app, this is the front end client of the app
For backend of this app, please view


Deployment has already been set up on a Heroku server. This app is running on:


1. User System: Allow sign in and sign up of different users to create their own portfolio

2. Personal Information: Users can add, delete and modify their personal information including the basic information, educational background and work experience

3. Upload Content: Users can upload files, media files with descriptions and essay with a thumbnail

4. Manage Content: Users can search and sort their uploaded content, and can delete any of those. They can also edit media descrition and their own essay.

5. User Portfolio System: All uploaded information, files, media and essays will be presented in their personal portfolio page, which can be visited by search on other users

Local Installation

These intructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running for development and testing. The frontend of this project is built on React. You will need npm installed to start.

Client: React

First start by installing the dependencies in the root directory

npm install

Backend setup

The backend of this app is deployed on Heroku, which has link The app is interacting with its backend deployed on Heroku by default, if you want to deploy the backend locally, view for the set up, go to the constant.js file in src/assets/contant folder, change the backend URL to the link to the locally deployed backend.

Development mode

To run the app in the in development mode, use

npm run-script dev

Then open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Run the client

Produces a static React build by running:

npm run-script build

Then start the server by

npm start

Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in the browser.


Unit Testing on some of the components are ready, use

npm test

to run the tests