React Google map example

A React application to work with the Google Map and Google GeoCode with Node-Js as back-end


This is a React application to show a list of map markers on a Google map. In this application users can find a Geo location by searching an address using Google Geocode api. On the server side, there is an In Memory database to save the map markers. You can use your own database infrastructure just by rewriting the repository layer.

Installation & Run

on the root of the application run the following commands

  • Run yarn to install the concurrently package.
  • Run npm run setup to install the packages for the both server side and client side applications.
  • Run npm start to start the both application.


Make sure these port are free to use on your system.

  • client: http://localhost:8000
  • server: http://localhost:3030


There are test cases for Redux actions and Redux reducers in ./client/src/__tests__.

  • To run the tests simply execute npm run test.



Server side stack is Node js - Express js. There is an in memory database in the following path ./server/src/repositories/map-marker.js.


You can find the server configuration file in the following path: ./server/.env.

Options for .env
# Port

# Debug 
key Description & Values
PORT Define a port to run the server side application
LOG_LEVEL The log level to see the logs in the console. The default is debug
End points
method url Description
GET /api/mapmarker/ To get the list of map markers
GET /api/mapmarker/:id To get the a particular map maker by its id
POST /api/mapmarker To add a map marker
PUT /api/mapmarker/:id To update a particular map marker
DELETE /api/mapmarker/:id To delete a map marker



In this application, there are following folders structure base on best practices:

  1. __tests__: Contains the test for Redux action, Redux reducers and React components.
  2. actions: Contains both Redux actions and plain Fetch API call actions
  3. assets: Contains all the global assets including images, fonts and css files.
  4. components: Contains reusable components including MegwingMap and MedwingButton
    1. Medwing-Back-Button: A reusable back button to navigate to previous path.
    2. Medwing-Button: A reusable button to use across the application as button element.
    3. Medwing-Error-Handler: A component to catch all the exceptions which may happen inside the react components.
    4. Medwing-Loading-Indicator: A component to show a loading indicator when a view doing a long time process.
    5. Medwing-Map: A component to show a map based on Google Map api. To use other 3rd party map api just rewrite this component.
    6. Medwing-Map-Searchable: A searchable map based on Medwing-Map which enables the users to find their address and see its Geo location.
  5. constants: Contains constants of the application including Redux action-types, settings and api urls.
  6. helpers: Contains helpers methods to use globally across the project including Http-Client and Service-Error-Handler.
    1. Http-Client: A wrapper for fetch api and all the api call inside the application
    2. Service-Error-Handler: A application wide error logger service
  7. reducers: Contains Redux reducers.
  8. routes: Contains all the application routes.
  9. store: Contains the Redux store configurations for both production and development.
  10. types: Contains all prop types to type checking for components.
  11. views: Contains all the view in the application (UI part).
    1. marker: To add or update a map marker by searching it via Medwing-Map-Searchable.
    2. markers-list: To view a list of map markers on the map

The configuration file for this application can be found in in the following path: ./client/app.json.

Options for app.json
    "url": "http://localhost:3030",
    "map_api_key": "your google map",
    "default_map_center_point": {
        "lng": 13.4050,
        "lat": 52.5200
key Description & Values
url The server side url of this application - Node js
map_api_key To run this application go to Google developers console and find your api key to use
default_map_center_point Default center view when there is nothing selected on the map

Screen shots

markers list screen

marker screen