
A simple n32g031 cmake project template.

Setup project

There are several ways to configure the toolchain:

  • Install arm-none-eabi-gcc to /usr/arm-none-eabi-gcc. Project can automatically find toolchain.
  • Pass in parameter -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc to cmake.
  • Pass in parameter -DTOOLCHAIN_PATH="/path/to/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain" to cmake.
  • Set toolchain directory to TOOLCHAIN_PATH environment variable.

For CLion

  1. Open Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Toolchains.
  2. Add a new toolchain. Set up C Compiler and C++ Compiler.
  3. Open Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - CMake.
  4. Add a new profile. Choose the correct toolchain.

Custom ld or startup.s

Set TARGET_LD_SCRIPT and TARGET_STARTUP_ASM as your own before add_subdirectory(sdk)
See: CMakeLists.txt
