
By using firebase as a backend, I developed a flutter app for shoping online.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Online Shop

By using firebase as a backend, I developed a flutter app for shoping online.

State Management

✔️ Bloc Pattern

Features and components

✔️ Paymob Integration.
✔️ Google Maps with multiple themes.
✔️ Authentication with Email & Password.
✔️ Authentication with Google Account.
✔️ Cart
✔️ Animations
✔️ Branches screen
✔️ Product details screen
✔️ Intro Screen
✔️ Bottom Nav Bar
✔️ Products Screen
✔️ Profile Screen



  • firebase_core:
  • firebase_auth:
  • cloud_firestore:
  • google_sign_in:

state management

  • bloc:
  • equatable:
  • flutter_bloc:


  • cached_network_image:
  • flutter_staggered_grid_view:
  • font_awesome_flutter:
  • dio:
  • webviewx:
  • google_maps_flutter:


secrets.dart is missing from this repo so you need to add the following consts

final String GoogleMapsKey="xxxxxxx";
final String PaymobAPIKey="xxxxxx";
final String IntegrationIDCard="xxxxx";
final String IntegrationIDKiosk="xxxxx";

and in AndroidManifest.xml add

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY"

Demo Video


For more screen shots Here