
Grunt plugin to precompile Jade templates to JavaScript file (normal or AMD).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

grunt-jade-plugin 'Build status'

Compile Jade templates to one JavaScript file (normal or AMD).


In your project's gruntfile directory, run:

npm install grunt-jade-plugin

Then add this line to your project's gruntfile:


Config Examples

AMD compilation

jade: {
  compile: {
    options: {
      amd: true,

      amdDependences: {
        'jade': 'jade',
        'underscore': '_'

    files: {
      'templates.js': ['temlates/user.jade', 'templates/account.jade']

The result templates.js file will content:

define(["jade", "underscore"], function(jade, _) {
  // Compiled templates will be here.

You can use your compiled templates like this:

define(["templates"], function(templates) {
  var data = {name: 'John', age: 28};
  var htmlResult = templates.user(data);
  var htmlResult = templates.account(data);

Normal JS file compilation

jade: {
  compile: {
    options: {
      namespace: 'MyApp.Templates'
    files: {
      'templates.js': 'temlates/*.jade'

The result templates.js file will content:

this['MyApp'] = this['MyApp'] || {};
this['MyApp']['Templates'] = this['MyApp']['Templates'] || {};

// Template function
this['MyApp']['Templates']['user'] = function() {};

You can use your compiled templates like this:

var data = {name: 'John', age: 28};
var htmlResult = MyApp.Templates.user(data);


Inside your grunt.js file, add a section named jade. This section specifies the files to compile and the options used with Jade.

Files object

This defines what files this task will process and should contain key:value pairs.

The key (destination) should be an unique filepath (supports grunt.template) and the value (source) should be a filepath or an array of filepaths (supports minimatch).

Note: Values are precompiled to the namespaced array in the order passed.


files: {
  'templates.js': 'source/*.jade', // includes files from source dir only
  'templates.js': 'source/**/*.jade', // includes files from source dir and all its subdirs
  'templates.js': ['path/to/sources/file.jade', 'path/to/more/other.jade']

Options object

This controls how this task operates and should contain key:value pairs, see options below.


options: {
  amd: false,
  amdDependences: {},
  includeRuntime: true,
  injectBefore: '',
  namespace: 'Templates',
  compileDebug: false,
  processName: function(filename) { return filename.split('/').pop().split('.')[0]; }
processName function

This option accepts a function which takes the template filepath and returns a string which will be used as the key for the precompiled template object.

By default processName removes the template file path and an extension like this:

// Before:

// After:

// So you can access your template function like this:

You can change the default behaviour like this:

files: {
  'templates.js': ['temlates/user.jade', 'templates/account.jade']

options: {
  processName: function(filename) {
    return filename


includeRuntime boolean

Determine if Jade's runtime.js file will be included into the result JS file. By default it will be included.

Note that you have to use the runtime file anyway. So if you prefer to keep it separately, you can download it from the official repository.

amd boolean

Determine if preprocessed template functions will be wrapped in Require.js define function (default is false).

define(['jade'], function(jade) {
  // ...
amdDependences object
amdDependences: {
  'jade': 'jade',
  'underscore': '_'


define(["jade", "underscore"], function(jade, _) {
  // Compiled templates will be here.
namespace string

The namespace in which the precompiled templates will be assigned (default is 'Templates'). Use dot notation (e.g. App.Templates) for nested namespaces.


options: {
  namespace: 'MyApp.Templates'


this['MyApp'] = this['MyApp'] || {};
this['MyApp']['Templates'] = this['MyApp']['Templates'] || {};

// Template function
this['MyApp']['Templates']['user'] = function() {};
injectBefore string

It should contain a string that will be injected before precompiled templates.

options: {
  injectBefore: '// string to enject'

Release History

Check the HISTORY.md file for change logs and release notes.


Copyright (c) 2012 Ivan Votti Licensed under the MIT license. https://github.com/ivanvotti/grunt-jade-plugin/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT