Serveless app [built with serverless-stack, AWS-SDK and AWS-CDK]


  • Node 14.0+
  • npm, npx


  • clone the repo
  • run npm install to install dependancies
  • run cp .env.example .env
  • edit .env file with appropriate data


npm run start

Starts the local Lambda development environment.

npm run build

Build your app and synthesize your stacks.

Generates a .build/ directory with the compiled files and a .build/cdk.out/ directory with the synthesized CloudFormation stacks.

npm run deploy [stack]

Deploy all your stacks to AWS. Or optionally deploy, a specific stack.

npm run remove [stack]

Remove all your stacks and all of their resources from AWS. Or optionally removes, a specific stack.

npm run test

Runs your tests using Jest. Takes all the Jest CLI options.


To track event and ensure it from mailgun apiEndpoint+/mail-event