
Repo documenting all my networking notes in the unix, containers, cloud and k8s space.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

UNIX networking (unix, containers, k8s etc)

Repo documenting all my networking in the unix, containers and k8s space.

Note: converting markdown files to pdf:

brew install pandoc
brew install wkhtmltopdf # or brew install weasyprint

pandoc docker-net.md -o docker-net.pdf --pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf ## using wkhtmltopdf
# alt
pandoc k8s-net.md -o k8s-net.pdf --pdf-engine=weasyprint ## using weasyprint


  • [] Security
  • [] Firewalls
  • [] Azure Networking
  • [] GCP Networking

If you think of anything useful, please feel free to make a PR and add or raise an issue 🙏