kube-loxilb is loxilb's implementation of kubernetes service load-balancer spec which includes support for load-balancer class, advanced IPAM (shared or exclusive) etc. kube-loxilb runs as a deloyment set in kube-system namespace. This component runs inside k8s cluster to gather information about k8s nodes/reachability/LB services etc but in itself does not implement packet/session load-balancing. It is done by loxilb which usually runs outside the cluster as an external-LB.
Many users frequently ask us whether it is possible to run the actual packet/session load-balancing inside the cluster (in worker-nodes or master-nodes). The answer is "yes". loxilb can be run in-cluster or as an external entity. The preferred way is to run kube-loxilb component inside the cluster and provision loxilb docker in any external node/vm as mentioned in this guide. The rationale is to provide users a similar look and feel whether running loxilb in an on-prem or public cloud environment. Public-cloud environments usually run load-balancers/firewalls externally in order to provide a seamless and safe environment for the cloud-native workloads. But users are free to choose any mode (in-cluster mode or external mode) as per convenience and their system architecture. The following blogs give detailed steps for :
This usually leads to another query - Who will be responsible for managing the external node ? On public cloud(s), it is as simple as spawning a new instance in your VPC and launch loxilb docker in it. For on-prem cases, you need to run loxilb docker in a spare node/vm as applicable. loxilb docker is a self-contained entity and easily managed with well-known tools like docker, containerd, podman etc. It can be independently restarted/upgraded anytime and kube-loxilb will make sure all the k8s LB services are properly configured each time. When deploying in-cluster mode, everything is managed by Kubernetes itself with little to no manual intervention.
Another loxilb component known as loxi-ccm also provides implementation of kubernetes load-balancer spec but it runs as a part of cloud-provider and provides load-balancer life-cycle management as part of it. If one needs to integrate loxilb with their existing cloud-provider implementation, they can use or include loxi-ccm as a part of it. Else, kube-loxilb is the right component to use for all scenarios. It also has the latest loxilb features integrated as development is currently focused on it.
kube-loxilb is a standalone implementation of kubernetes load-balancer spec which does not depend on cloud-provider. It runs as a kube-system deployment and provisions load-balancer rules in loxilb based on load-balancer class. It only acts on load-balancers services for the LB classes that is provided by itself. This along with loxilb's modularized architecture also allows us to have different load-balancers working together in the same K8s environment. In future, loxi-ccm and kube-loxilb will share the same code base but currently they are maintained separately.
- For external mode, the overall topology including all components should be similar to the following :
- For in-cluster mode, the overall topology including all components should be similar to the following :
1.Make sure loxilb docker is downloaded and installed properly in a node external to your cluster. One can follow guides here or refer to various other documentation . It is important to have network connectivity from this node to the master nodes of k8s cluster (where kube-loxilb will eventually run) as seen in the above figure.
2.Download the loxilb config yaml :
wget https://github.com/loxilb-io/kube-loxilb/raw/main/manifest/kube-loxilb.yaml
3.Modify arguments as per user's needs :
- --loxiURL=
- --externalCIDR=
#- --externalSecondaryCIDRs=,
#- --externalCIDR6=3ffe::1/96
#- --monitor
#- --setBGP=65100
#- --extBGPPeers=,
#- --setRoles=
#- --setLBMode=1
#- --setUniqueIP=false
The arguments have the following meaning :
- loxiURL : API server address of loxilb. This is the docker IP address loxilb docker of Step 1. If unspecified, kube-loxilb assumes loxilb is running in-cluster mode and autoconfigures this.
- externalCIDR : CIDR or IPAddress range to allocate addresses from. By default address allocated are shared for different services(shared Mode)
- externalCIDR6 : Ipv6 CIDR or IPAddress range to allocate addresses from. By default address allocated are shared for different services(shared Mode)
- monitor : Enable liveness probe for the LB end-points (default : unset)
- setBGP : Use specified BGP AS-ID to advertise this service. If not specified BGP will be disabled. Please check here how it works.
- extBGPPeers : Specifies external BGP peers with appropriate remote AS
- setRoles : If present, kube-loxilb arbitrates loxilb role(s) in cluster-mode. Further, it sets a special VIP (selected as sourceIP) to communicate with end-points in full-nat mode.
- setLBMode : 0, 1, 2
0 - default (only DNAT, preserves source-IP)
1 - onearm (source IP is changed to load balancer’s interface IP)
2 - fullNAT (sourceIP is changed to virtual IP) - setUniqueIP : Allocate unique service-IP per LB service (default : false)
- externalSecondaryCIDRs: Secondary CIDR or IPAddress ranges to allocate addresses from in case of multi-homing support
Many of the above flags and arguments can be overriden on a per-service basis based on loxilb specific annotation as mentioned in section 6 below.
- Apply the following :
kubectl apply -f kube-loxilb.yaml
- The above should make sure kube-loxilb is successfully running. Check kube-loxilb is running :
kubectl get pods -A | grep kube-loxilb
- Finally to create service LB, we can use and apply the following template yaml
(Note - Check loadBalancerClass and other loxilb specific annotation) :
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: iperf-service
# If there is a need to do liveness check from loxilb
loxilb.io/liveness: "yes"
# Specify LB mode - one of default, onearm or fullnat
loxilb.io/lbmode: "default"
# Specify loxilb IPAM mode - one of ipv4, ipv6 or ipv6to4
loxilb.io/ipam: "ipv4"
# Specify number of secondary networks for multi-homing
# Only valid for SCTP currently
# loxilb.io/num-secondary-networks: "2
loadBalancerClass: loxilb.io/loxilb
what: perf-test
- port: 55001
targetPort: 5001
type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: iperf1
what: perf-test
- name: iperf
image: eyes852/ubuntu-iperf-test:0.5
- iperf
- "-s"
- containerPort: 5001
Users can change the above as per their needs.
- Verify LB service is created
kubectl get svc
For more example yaml templates, kindly refer to kube-loxilb's manifest directory