
Building an application with Flutter, Stacked and Firebase.

Primary LanguageDart


Building an application with Flutter, Stacked and Firebase.

Project Engineering

This project makes use of the stacked framework as it's source of engineering and principles and was generated using the Stacked CLI. Kindly read about stacked here

Setting up Environment Service

Since the project makes use of firebase as it's core BaaS, I decided to gitignore files that links to my firebase console and leave that all up to you.

  • To create yours, simple make use of the flutter fire plugin and you should be up and ready on that end.
  • The second is that my firebase_options.dart file makes use of things I would like to term as secrets and decided to move them to the approach of dart define. Take a look at launch.json file under .vscode folder.
  • Creating a simple config.staging.json file at the root of your project and slotting in the required keys fetched as seen in the environment_service.dart file under the service folder, should sync all the setup for vscode workspace to load properly.

GitHub Contribution

To contribute to this project, features are added via PRs. The guideline for PRs are one PR per feature. Features can be a screen, backend integration or a bug fix. When creating a branch that later turns into a PR, kindly make use of this formats in branch formats below.

Testing Strategy

Stacked makes use of mockito under the hood for testing and a heavy focus on unit testing only. In the test folder, you can see that there and contributions are welcomed in creating test cases for the available files.

Branch Formats

Below are the formats to use when contributing to this project.

  • feat/<branch_name>
  • chore/<branch_name>
  • refactor/<branch_name>
  • fix/<branch_name>

Anything outside this would lead to closing of the PR and redoing it.