Fuel Administrator

Version 1.0 - FuelPHP 1.4

What is Fuel Administrator?

Fuel Administrator is a fuelphp based alternative to the Codeigniter based script Backendpro.

Currently it includes only the following features:

  • User Management with Roles and Permissions
  • Database Driven Menu Management
  • Messages (Alert Notifications)
  • Breadcrumb
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Admin Interface
  • Ready to use


  • Dynamic User Profile fields management
  • simple Module management
  • Multilingual support
  • Documentation
  • Simple installer
  • Online Demo


At first you have to run the fuelphp installation. (you don't have to download fuelphp again, it's always included ;) )

Documentation: http://fuelphp.com/docs/installation/instructions.html#manual

Then you have to import the fuel-administrator.sql into your mySQL database

Now update the file /fuel/app/config/development/db.php and update the database information


After installation you can open the fuel administrator in your browser

via http://localhost/fuel-administrator/public/

Default Login:

Username: admin

Password: password


http://moakdesigns.github.io/fuel-administrator .