The purpose of this SDK to help programmers to use Numo payment SDK .
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
1-JDK installed on your machine with minimum version 1.7 .
2-Android Studio
3-Create new Android project in Android Studio to use SDK or if you have created a project before with minSdkVersion api version 17.
4- AndroidX compatibility
A step by step that tell you how to get our SDK in your project.
1- open your android project.
2- in your project in build.gradle file in project level in allproject{} inside it you will find
repositories{} inside it add :-
maven { url '' }
allprojects { repositories {
maven { url '' }
3- in your build.gradle file in app level in dependencies{} add :-
implementation 'com.github.payskyCompany:NUMO-PayButton-SDK-android:1.0.8'
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.payskyCompany:NUMO-PayButton-SDK-android:1.0.8'
4- Sync your project.
in order to use our SDK you should get merchant id and Terminal id from our company.
1 – create a new instance from PayButton:-
PayButton payButton = new PayButton(context);
you need to just pass some parameters to PayButton class instance :-
1-Merchat id.
2-Terminal id.
3-Payment amount.
4-Currency code [Optional].
5-merchant secure hash.
6-transaction Reference Number.
Note That:-
you shoud keep your secure hash and merchant id and terminal id with encryption
before save them in storage if you want.
payButton.setMerchantId(merchantId); // Merchant id
payButton.setTerminalId(terminalId); // Terminal id
payButton.setAmount(amount); // Amount
payButton.setCurrencyCode(currencyCode); // Currency Code [Optional]
payButton.setMerchantSecureHash("Merchant secure hash"); // Merchant secure hash
payButton.setTransactionReferenceNumber("reference number"); // unique transaction reference number.
payButton.setProductionStatus(PRODUCTION); // for testing environment use npg
payButton.setLang(localLang); //for setlang
// you can get reference number from AppUtils.generateRandomNumber();
2 - in order to create transaction call:-
payButton.createTransaction(new PayButton.PaymentTransactionCallback() {
public void onCardTransactionSuccess(SuccessfulCardTransaction cardTransaction) {
public void onWalletTransactionSuccess(SuccessfulWalletTransaction walletTransaction) {
public void onError(Throwable error) {
paymentStatusTextView.setText("failed by:- " + error.getMessage());
to create transaction in our sdk you just call createTransaction method and pass to it
PaymentTransactionCallback listener to call it after transaction.
this listener has 2 methods:-
1 - onCardTransactionSuccess method
this method called in case transaction success by card payment with SuccessfulCardTransaction object.
SuccessfulCardTransaction object from create transaction listener contains:-
NetworkReference variable that is reference number of transaction.
AuthCode variable
ActionCode variable.
ReceiptNumber variable.
amount variable.
2 - onWalletTransactionSuccess method
this method is called if customer make a wallet transaction with SuccessfulWalletTransaction object.
SuccessfulWalletTransaction object from create transaction listener contains:-
NetworkReference variable that is reference number of transaction.
amount variable.
3- onError method in case transaction failed with Throwable exception that has error info.
payButton.createTransaction(new PayButton.PaymentTransactionCallback() {
public void onCardTransactionSuccess(SuccessfulCardTransaction cardTransaction) {
cardTransaction.NetworkReference; // transaction reference number.
public void onWalletTransactionSuccess(SuccessfulWalletTransaction walletTransaction) {
walletTransaction.NetworkReference ; // transaction reference number.
public void onError(Throwable error) {
paymentStatusTextView.setText("failed by:- " + error.getMessage());
Because we use some of libraries like Okhttp, retrofit , EventBus and you may use them with different version number , in some cases this will make a conflict in build project to solve this problem you should force the library that has conflict with specific version number.
Example conflict in Gson library we use version
implementation ''
and in your build.gradle file
implementation ''
in your build.gradle file add in bottom of it:-
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force ''
force your specific version and sync project again.
Reference for how to solve problem ( (
1-Before deploy your project live ,you should get a merchant id and terminal id from our company . 2-you should keep your merchant id and terminal id secured in your project, encrypt them before save them in project.
Moamalat Company - (