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Gem manager with laravel service pattern example project

In this project with laravel 8 and php 8 I want to create a GemTransactionService to handle gem of specific user For more information look at tests/Feature/GemTransactionServiceTest

Example of main flow of handling with service

        $user = User::factory()->create(); 
        $gem = Gem::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id , 'gem'=>0]); 
        $gemTransactionService = new GemTransactionService();
        $gemTransactionAtt = [
            'value'=> 10,
            'type'=> 'TYPE_OF_CHANGE',
            'sign'=> 1,
        $gemTransaction = $gemTransactionService->insertGemTransaction($gemTransactionAtt , $gem);


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# // [Add,Change,Update,Typo,Composer] ..
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