HTTP/1.1 Web server with rust and with serving html and assets feature with single thread architecture

1. install rust on your machine

best document for install is own Rust documention

for linux users download and run rust bash file

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

then just add this line to your shell. for bash:

echo 'source $HOME/.cargo/env' >> ~/.bashrc

2. Run

just use it!

cargo run

3. Add new route

open src/ and go to implementation of Handler for WebsiteHandler

impl Handler for WebsiteHandler {
    fn handle_request(&mut self, request:&crate::http::request::Request) -> crate::http::Response {
        match request.method() {
            Method::GET => match request.path() {
            "/"=> Response::new(StatusCode::Ok , self.read_file("index.html")),
            "/test"=> Response::new(StatusCode::Ok , self.read_file("test.html")),
            path => match self.read_file(path) {
                Some(contents) => Response::new(StatusCode::Ok , Some(contents)),
                None => Response::new(StatusCode::NotFound , Some("<h1>Page not found</h1>".to_string()))
            _ =>  Response::new(StatusCode::NotFound , None)

add new route after match request.method() { line like: 1- add to get method like:

Method::GET => match request.path() {
            "/"=> Response::new(StatusCode::Ok , self.read_file("index.html")),
            "/404"=> Response::new(StatusCode::NotFound , self.read_file("404.html")),

or add new method with:

Method::POST => match request.path() {
            "/login"=> {
                // code and code and more code
                Response::new(StatusCode::Ok , self.read_file("login.html"))
            // consider at least add default case with underscore `_`
            _ =>  Response::new(StatusCode::NotFound , None)