Android Developer Position Technical


Our task focuses on architecture and coding skills, so please spend time reviewing task architecture and code readability.

Daily forecast Application

Daily forecast application is a simple application consisting of only one screen with a top bar containing a text field accepting the city name then when the user click search app should hit api and get daily forecast data for given city name, and cache it. Each day in days list should contain any ui item (it’s up to you) to indicate weather description like (​Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.). If a user faces any failure in data retrieving app should first check if needed data exists in local cache if yes app should display cached data and show some warning to indicate it’s not accurate data, if no data cached he should see UI represent this error and option to retry.

Here is the API to use in this task:{cityname}&cnt={cnt}&appid={API key}

Documentation link: ​ ** **


Your code will be assessed based on the following:

● Screen performs as described and contains the specified details.

● Code must be clean and readable

● SOLID principles and OOP applied .(but don’t over engineer any task).

Bonuses ​​

● Unit testing

● UI Testing