
Coding challenge for this job: https://angel.co/hivemapper/jobs/204332-web-ui-engineer Email dane@hivemapper.com if you want to complete this but haven't talked to us yet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hivemapper UI Engineer Coding Challenge

This coding challenge is designed to test your 3D graphics ability. If you have not worked with OpenGL and/or Three.js before, this challenge will be painful. We have set up a basic application structure as a starting point, but feel free to implement this however you see fit.

This challenge shouldn't take more than 4 hours to finish. Task 2 is signifigantly easier than task 1.

Please document your code as you would in a production system. Please also include a short README explaining how you approached the problem, and things you might improve on given more time.

How to run

Download this repo. If you are going to clone it, do so privately so that nobody else can see your answer.

npm install
npm run transpile # Run each time to recompile your Javascript.

Open up index.html in your browser.

About the point cloud

The point cloud provided is a downsampled version of the point clouds that Hivemapper uses to build our map. It is:

App.jsx already does the work of loading and parsing the PLY file into a THREE.Geometry.

Feel free to download the PLY file and open it in a viewer like MeshLab or CloudCompare to see what it looks like.

Task 1: Render the point cloud

With the THREE.Geometry loaded by App.jsx as a starting point, render this to the screen. There's no right answer here. Don't worry about integrating 3D controls, a static scene is fine.


  • The ECEF coordinate system doesn't align nicely with any of the scene's axes so the model will look slanted. Can you compensate for this so that the scene looks upright?
  • WebGL doesn't work well large ECEF coordinates (Javascript does), so you will see floating point imprecision in the scene. Can you correct for this?
  • We've included Three.js in the starting code. Feel free to not use Three.js if there's something else you are more comfrotable with.

Task 2: Color the point cloud based on altitude

App.jsx comes with two buttons at the top to switch between color modes. For 'Color By Altitude' please color each point based on it's relative height above sea level. In the model provided the minimum altitude is 6.65 meters and the maximum is 58.57 meters.

geo-utils.js is your friend here.


Please email a zip of this repository, along with any build instructions, to dane@hivemapper.com