
Fabric2 scripts which help manage webfaction hosts by executing commands and accessing the webfaction API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Webfaction fabric2 helper scripts

These scripts utilise the Webfaction API via python and Fabric 2 to conveniently run some common tasks.

Presently there are just a small selection, mostly related to managing letsencrypt certificates.


You could install this in your system python3, into your virtualnv or into your pipenv as a dev dependency

$ pipenv install –dev webfaction_fab2


Generate a fabfile.py in the root of your project, something like this:

$ pipen run python -m wf_fab2.makefab

And then start using the commands

$ pipenv run fab -l
 Loading .env environment variables...
Available tasks:

Available tasks:

  acme-install     Install acme.sh for Letsencrypt certificates on a webfaction host.
  check-websites   Check http response mode of all configured websites.
  list-websites    List all websites their linked apps and subdomains.
  secure-website   Issue certificates for a website and install with acme_webfaction
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com check-websites accountname
Loading .env environment variables...
API password:
Checking: https://example.com/
Available: https://example.com/
Checking: https://anotherexample.com/
/Users/mjoakes/.local/share/virtualenvs/webfaction_helpers-RUB6JD7n/lib/python3.6/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:857: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
Available: https://anotherexample.com/ Invalid Certificate
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com list-websites accountname
API password:
example_site_name [['exampleapp', '/']] ['example.com', 'www.example.com']
anotherexample_site_name [['anotherexampleapp', '/']] ['anotherexample.com', 'www.anotherexample.com']
$ pipenv run fab -H Web39.webfaction.com ssecure-website accountname anotherexample_site_name


I had a pretty comprehensive and well tested set of scripts for fabric 1.x enabling provisioning and deploying django projects onto webfaciton hosts. As I slowly move them to fabric2 I’m intending to share them here.
