The Water Quality Manager (WQM) tool for the Android platform allows managers and technicians to view data submitted by reporters using the Water Quality Reporter (WQR) tool ( GET THE CODE ------------ git clone git:// ENVIRONMENT SETUP ----------------- 1. Install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers ( 2. Install Android SDK ( 2.1. [Optional] Add the Android SDK /tools/ directory to your environment path PROJECT SETUP ------------- 1. Open Eclipse 2. File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace: 2.1. Find and select the wqmandroid project root directory and click Finish CONFIGURE PROJECT ----------------- 1. Get a Google Maps API key from 1.1. Copy this key into the android:apiKey variable in res/layout/map.xml (line 10) 2. Open src/com.aquatest.webservice/ 2.1. On line 46 set the URL of your webservice (provided by 2.2. On line 66 set the access key for the webservice (defined in above wqmanager local.ini) 3. Open assets/config/config.txt 3.1. Read the instructions in this file and then replace them with a single integer representing a wqmanager authority RUNNING PROJECT IN EMULATOR --------------------------- 1. Right-click the wqmandroid project in your Eclipse project navigator, click Run as > Android application 2. If Eclipse gives a build path error, go to Project > Clean and select the project and then OK and try again INSTALLING APPLICATION (HTC) ---------------------------- 1. Connect Android device to PC via USB 2. Select "HTC Sync" on the device and then the Home button 3. In console run: <path to android sdk>/tools/adb install wqmandroid/bin/WQManager.apk